Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today is number 17 of 33 radiation treatments and still so far so good!

Monday when I met the rad doctor, he asked the usual, "How's your energy?" question.  I knew he would as they always do on Mondays, so I had the answer ready!  "I feel great!" I said.  "My energy level is wonderful, I think it is all the vitamins and supplements Dr. Kalidis has me on."  To which he replied, "Well if you think that is working."  I had to laugh under my breath.  Of course I think it is working!  He and I just have a personality clash which now I simply find amusing!

Seriously though, I do believe the vitamins I am taking are helping.  Everyone around me has been sick with colds and sneezing and such and I haven't gotten anything.  I think it also helps that I don't have to get up and be in the car by 6:40am anymore.  I can live on my own biological clock which goes to bed at 11-11:30 and gets up at 7-7:30.  Another thing that I think helps is my diet changes.  I no longer eat any meat, except fish and/or seafood once or twice a week, plus I strictly limit my refined sugar intake, and have reduced caffeine to just my morning cup of coffee.  After I eat I don't feel tired or sluggish, I feel energetic.  I truly feel more energy than I have felt in a long time.

I am still working on the spiritual health.  I recently picked up "Spirituality & Health" magazine whose tag line is, "The Soul/Body Connection".  I have read some very contemplative articles.  One is by the Rabbi Rami Shapiro in which he enlightens the relevance of the 10 Commandments. Example:  1.  God is the source of liberation.  Aware of the suffering caused by enslavement to things and ideas, I vow to to free myself from all addictions and compulsive behaviors, both material and spiritual.  Wow!  What an awesome way to bring relevance to the first commandment.  Another example:  4. Remember the Sabbath.  Aware of the suffering caused by slavish attachment to work, consumption, and technology, I vow to set aside the Sabbath as a day of personal freedom, creativity, and play.  Wouldn't we all benefit from that!!!  This was in the January/February 2010 magazine, which I got at Books A Million.  There is more I want to share, but am out of to meet a client in 20 minutes. 

I want to end by saying every wound offers an opportunity to heal, not only the healing of the current wound but many of the wounds that came before.

Love to all!!!

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